

bars before me
bars before you

and your back towards me

I cannot reach you
you cannot leave me


we need to escape

this delusion of bond
this helplessness of belonging
this cry of carried away hearts


the soul threaded to the glory of past

we relinquished long back
love evaporated from finest of cracks

emerge out of this attire of attachment !!

Β©Written Frames, 2017

54 thoughts on “Escape

    • Isn’t it weird for two persons to be near, right in front of eyes but not close anymore. Relationships degrade over time and we try our best to drag them for the sake of beautiful memories we have garnered over time….

      And those cracks are of a brittle heart which is not whole anymore but in pieces yet was still filled with love and now it evaporates….

      Thank you for your appreciation. Means a lot… ❀ ❀ ❀

      Stay connected !!


      • The Immortal Arts

        Relationships are complicated. We are so engrossed by the idea of love that we often just fall for people because we are in love with that idea of love. Agreed that every relationship degrades over time but only when there is a lack of communication. People often push the difference under the rug rather than discussing it which causes the relationship to fall apart..

        We all are broken pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. With cracks and our imperfections. All it takes is that one right piece of love to make as whole again.

        And you are most welcome.

        Keep writing and keep giving your feelings words. 😊

        Much love ❀

        Liked by 2 people

  1. β€œThe souls threaded to the glory of the past” immediately had me thinking of stitches.
    Stitches initially sewn so tight they gave the illusion of being strong enough to withstand time … until it’s time to β€œemerge out of this attire”.

    So … now the excruciating unravelling, as the stitches are pulled out. Should they be pulled out quickly or slowly? What hurts more?

    This is a really lovely write. It’s sentimental and relatable.
    Well done lady poet. I’m captured by your eloquent ways.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I think….this happens more when we have the expectations in front of us….or the urge of searching for the ownership….else the relationships with the base of sacredness never give that much of pain…as described….and those are not the cracks…or the shattered heart….it is the heart….developed to love many times more….than the unused one…

    Liked by 1 person

  3. ‘Your back towards me’. Sometimes letting the other person in that state may bring happiness to them as reaching such state itself is an outcome of a very badly broken heart. One shudnt allow the relationship to break that far, else one is sure to get to see the back of the other, no doubt.

    Liked by 1 person

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