

I write, I erase

a legit affair with backspace,

what harrows this heart-

expanding excavation,

meanderings of a graveled maze


midst of green fields and clear sky

a breeze so gentle brushing my hair aside

just as lips curve in a sweet smile,

a sudden twitch in my right eye

wake up! wake up!

horrendous clouds are magnified


it shines, it blurs and then it rains

what is living without mistakes?

despair in love,

or agony of loss,

regret of choices went wrong;

unable to weigh in words, how to portray?

strayed emotions do haunt, if not conveyed 


key down and key up

key down and key up

a stream of letters flow by

amidst the chaotic silence and click-cries

skeptical of the story, how to tell?

stage of scrabble is set to rationalize

will I be then excused- a happening passerby?


ink is smeared, drafts finalized

grains scatter, pages prowl into a pile

sinful summer strips with autumnal prying

treaded to roots, winter shivers of withdrawal arise

in blooming cups of spring, I seek ablution

I am changing like seasons

and, mother nature is my alibi



Truth is the acceptance of its existence. It lies on the demarcation of acknowledgement from ignorance. Ignorance is bliss and acknowledgment of truth is where the awakening begins.

©Written Frames, 2019